Exercises to Avoid After an Orthopaedic Surgery

 Your body will be sore after orthopaedic surgery and you will not feel like moving. It takes time for the body to adapt and the healing process can be disrupted by any prolonged movements and cause even more discomfort and pain. Do not allow your eagerness to hinder your proper healing process and give your body enough time to recover, and you will be back in action sooner or later. You should start doing some light exercises, such as evening walks and light stretching, about a week after surgery. Hold it all at a degree of relaxation and do not pressure your body too hard. However, after orthopaedic surgery, there are several exercises that you may have to stop.


Running is a physical exercise with a high impact that carries a high risk of injury and more damage to the area of the surgery. A minor issue can significantly raise the risk of pain and damage because of the high impact powers.


While cycling is a low-impact workout that is healthy and gentle on the knee joints, after orthopaedic surgery, you should still avoid it. Cycling is an aerobic workout that increases blood pressure, likely causing the wounds to bleed again.

Lifting weight

While the temptation to lift weights is ongoing, because of the discomfort and strain it can cause not only the intended muscle groups but also the surrounding ones, it is to be avoided after orthopaedic surgery.

For aerobics

Aerobic activity can increase blood pressure, allowing the wounds to bleed. They also require repeated movements, which can increase pressure on the muscles and tissues around them, causing discomfort and pain.

Crunches Over

After surgery, crunches should be avoided as it can inflict extreme strain on the body, causing pulling of the stitches and slowing down the healing process.


After surgery, swimming should be avoided until the wound and the incisions have healed. If it comes into contact with water, the wound may be poisoned and the swimming pool water is full of chlorine that can also irritate the wound.

Climbing stairways

Stair climbing is an exhausting process that causes the heart, legs and lungs to work together to support the back.

All behaviors that can cause strain and tension should be avoided in the early stages of rehabilitation in order to minimize discomfort to a bearable level. Take it slowly, since you're going to have plenty of time to get everything you missed back.

 Due to Covid out break in Nepal, People are aware about their health and have major health issues.

Cura health helps to those people who have these kind of issues. In these site you can book your Orthopaedic specialist and get your health checkup done by one click staying at home. You can get your reports online and consultant with doctors. Here is the website link and app to download.


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